The 2014 FLOW-3D Americas Users Conference will be held
September 9-10, 2014 in Toronto, ON at the Courtyard
Marriott Downtown Toronto. Advanced training for the water &
environmental industry will be held Monday, September 8 at
the conference hotel. All FLOW-3D, FLOW-3D/MP, and FLOW-3D
Cast users, and anyone interested in the FLOW-3D product
suite, are invited to attend the conference.
The 2014 FLOW-3D Americas Users Conference will be held
September 9-10, 2014 in Toronto, ON at the Courtyard
Marriott Downtown Toronto. Advanced training for the water &
environmental industry will be held Monday, September 8 at
the conference hotel. All FLOW-3D, FLOW-3D/MP, and FLOW-3D
Cast users, and anyone interested in the FLOW-3D product
suite, are invited to attend the conference.
The call for abstracts is now open. Share your experiences,
present your success stories and obtain valuable feedback
from your fellow FLOW-3D users and Flow Science staff.
Abstracts should be 250 words or less and include the title
of the presentation or poster, author(s) name(s), job title,
and company/institution name. Presentations and posters
should focus on benchmarks, validations, practical examples,
and case studies using FLOW-3D, FLOW-3D/MP, or FLOW-3D Cast.
If there are multiple authors, please list the presenter
first. MS Word format is preferred. The deadline to submit
an abstract is Friday, July 11. Notifications of
presentation and poster acceptance will be sent out on
Friday, August 25. If you are interested in presenting or
creating a poster, please email your abstract to