Links - Education
CFD Related Educational Programmes
- International Master on Turbulence, Ecole Centrale de Lille, France
- A good master program focused on the fundamentals of fluid dynamics.
- MSc in CFD, Cranfield University, United Kingdom
- A one-year (full-time) or two years (part-time) programme taught at one of the leading aerospace universities in Europe. Covers both theory and a broad range of applications.
- PhD Program in Fluid Dynamics, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- Many PhD projects related to fluid dynamics and CFD.
- MSc Training Package in CFD, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- A package of CFD related courses taught by the CFD Center a the University of Leed. They are working on a fairly large range of application areas.
Online Labs - Simulations & Demonstrations
- Java Applets for Engineering Education
- Many Java applets related to fluid dynamics. Here are a few examples: Ideal
Flow Machine, Ideal Flow Mapper, Virtual Shock Tube, Compressible Aerodynamics
Calculator, Thermodynamics of Air, Boundary Layer Applets, Boundary Layer
Convection Applets, Heat Conduction Applets, Vortex Panel Method. You can
get the source code for all applets. A lot of work has been put into these
applets. Highly recommended!
- The Java Virtual Wind Tunnel
- An interactive two-dimensional inviscid CFD simulation of a channel with
a bump. You can experiment with different inlet conditions and change 2nd
and 4th order damping, while you see how the solution evolves, cool!! The
numerical method is a standard Jameson explicit Runge-Kutta scheme. Written
by David Oh.
Online Courses
- National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films (NCFMF)
- Don't miss these excellent classical videos about fluid dynamics. They were created by Ascher Shapiro at MIT back in 1961.
- Khan Academy Physics, Fluids Series.
- A set of twelve video courses about basic fluid dynamics.
Course Material
This section is quite new and if you have suggestions on links to
good sites that provide complete and good course material please let
us know.
The intention with this chapter is to provide links to course material
that is available online. If you would like your course material like
lecture notes, slides,
exercises and labs to be linked to from here then please email
Please note that you can also find some material in the
Online Books section.
- Stanford AA214A, Introduction to Computational Fluid Dymanics (CFD)
- A course taught by Thomas H. Pulliam at Stanford Univeristy. Has a lot of class notes
and assignments available online. Just buy the book and you can follow this course quite well.
Looks like a nice theoretical introduction to CFD, with emphasize on compressible flows.
- ME702 CFD Video Lectures, Boston University
- A collection of CFD lectures given by Lorena A. Barba at Boston University. You can also find the
lectures on iTunes.
- AeroPython
- A Python based course on Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics by Lorena A. Barba at Boston University.
- Fluid
Mechanics Interactive Classroom
- Course notes, online lab experiments and more for a course on elementary
fluid mechanics taught by Professor Spyros A. Kinnas at the University of
Texas at Austin.
- Computational
Methods in Fluid Dynamics using Commercial CFD Codes
- A course taught at Stanford by Gianluca
Iaccarino. Has handouts and homeworks available online. Based on Fluent
and Gambit. Very nice introductory material!
- MSc/PhD Course in CFD with OpenSource Software (OpenFOAM)
- A course caught by Håkan Nilsson at Chalmers Univeresity of Technology.
- Numerical Methods
in Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer
- Lectures, assignments and a nice 196 page book.
Course taught by Prof. Jayathi Murthy at Purdue.