Links - Mesh Generation
This section contains links to selected resources in mesh generation.
To suggest a link to be included in this section please use
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General Resources
- Mesh
Generation & Grid Generation on the Web
- Information on mesh generation: people, research groups, literature, conferences,
software, open positions and related topics. Maintained by Robert
Schneiders. This is a very good and current site! If you need more information
on grid generation then this is the first place you should look!
- Meshing, CFD-Wiki
- A growing section in CFD-Wiki about mesh generation for CFD applications. Please add and review information yourself to this public resource!
- CFD Online > Links > Software > Mesh Generation
- Links to several good overviews of mesh-generation sofware
- Numerical Grid Generation, Foundations and Applications
- This classical book by Joe F. Thompson is now available in full text directly
online. A very good reference for structured grids.
- Meshing Jobs Database
- Advertising open positions in the field of mesh and grid generation. This
is a free service offered by CFD Online.
- International Society of Grid Generation
- Organizes and coordinates various activities in grid generation.
- International Meshing Roundtable
- IMR is a mesh generation conference sponsored by the Sandia National Laboratories. This conference has been an annual event for more than 20 years.
You can download papers directly from their website.
- A Reflection on Grid Generation in the 90s: Trends, Needs, and Influences
- By Joe F. Thompson. A very nice overview of where grid generation stands
today and what is coming in the future. Includes 270 references!
- Paul Heckbert's Collection of Mesh Generation Links
- Used to be okay but now it is very old. It has not had any major updates since 1998 (Jan 2012),
- Bibliography
on Mesh Generation and Optimal Triangulation
- A searchable bibtex database by Alf-Christian Achilles. It was compiled
for The Collection
of Computer Science Bibliographies .
Selected Projects
- Generation and Refinement of Unstructured Mixed-Element Meshes in Parallel.
- An elliptic grid generator for CFD. Designed to replace GRIDGEN3D. 3DMAGGS
was derived from the 3DGRAPE code, but has a number of new features. Free
for US citizens. Also check out VGM,
a volume grid manipulation tool.
Mesh Generation Package
- A 3D unstructured mesh generator written in C++/Matlab. Can't handle curved
boundaries yet (May 28, 1996). Has a lot of documentation in html format!
- Develops and markets software for pre- and post-processing of CFD. Now
owned by Ansys, Inc.
- BETA CAE Systems S.A.
- Develops and sells ANSA - a pre-processing tool.
- Cambridge Flow Solutions, Ltd.
- Develops and sells BOXERMesh - an unstructured CFD mesher.
- Computational Simulation Software, LLC
- Develops and sells Trelis - a CAD toolkit to generate volume and surface meshes. Trelis is based on Cubit, developed for Sandia National Laboratories.
- Numeca Int.
- Develops and sells IGG and IGG-Autogrid - multi-block structured grid generators
especially focused on turbomachinery applications.
- Pointwise, Inc.
- Software and services centered around the Pointwise and Gridgen software.
- Program Development Company
- Develops and markets GridPro - a multi-block structured grid generator
for CFD and structural mechanics.
- Sharc, Ltd.
- Develops and sells Harpoon - an automatic hex-dominant mesher that has become popular for very complex geometries.
- XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc.
- Develops and sells TrueGrid - a program to tessellate a geometric model
into hexahedron brick elements and quadrilateral shell elements.