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CFD Events Calendar, Event Record #24200

CLEAN-Gas Combustion Summer School
From June 26th-29th, the Marie Curie CLEAN-Gas consortium, www.clean-, organises its second Summer School, at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. More information available here,
Date: June 26, 2017 - June 29, 2017
Location: Avenue Roosevelt 42, Brussels, Belgium, Belgium
Web Page:
Contact Email:
Organizer: ULB
Application Areas: Turbomachinery, Fire and Safety, Automotive, Process Industry, Aerospace, Power Generation, Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
Special Fields: Combustion
Deadlines: April 30, 2017 (registration)
Type of Event: Course, International

CLEAN-Gas ( is a Marie
Sklodowska-Curie action, which 
brings together four European Universities, Politecnico di
Milano, Technische 
Universitaet Darmstadt, Centrale Supélec and Université
Libre de Bruxelles-
Belgium. The main objective of the programme is to form 15
highly qualified 
engineers and develop new experimental and numerical
approaches for improving 
natural gas combustion.
The CLEAN-Gas Project recognizes the central role of natural
gas in the European 
Energy policy, due to its widespread availability and its
environmental and 
technological benefits, and promotes innovation for
(unconventional) natural gas 
combustion technologies. CLEAN-Gas pursues excellence with a
approach for research projects in conjunction with
industrial partners and 
innovative education, by offering an extensive and
prospective view of research to 
PhD candidates, to prepare them for a career in the new
challenging context of the 
Knowledge Society.

From June 26th-29th, the CLEAN-Gas consortium organises its
second Summer 
School, at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.

More information available here,
Event record first posted on February 9, 2017, last modified on February 12, 2017

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