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CFD Events Calendar, Event Record #252

Coastal Engineering 2003
Sixth International Conference on Computer Modelling and Experimental Measurements of Seas and Coastal Regions.
Date: June 23, 2003 - June 25, 2003
Location: Cadiz, Spain
Web Page:
Contact Email:
Organizer: Wessex Institute of Technology
Application Areas: River and Coastal Engineering
Deadlines: August 13, 2002 (abstract)
Type of Event: Conference, International


Coastal Engineering 2003 is the sixth international conference in this successful series, which has previously focused on computer modelling and applications of seas and coastal regions. This time, however, the objective of the conference has been extended to include experimental measurements, to highlight the importance of achieving the harmonious and joint development of computer and experimental techniques.

The aim of the meeting is to provide a forum for the dissemination and exchange of information on seas and coastal regions and their relationship to environmental problems.

Coastal Engineering 2003 will address the study of seas and coastal regions under normal and extreme conditions, emphasising the practical applications currently being carried out around the world. Discussions will also take place on environmental problems of coastal areas, which are frequently densely populated or sites of major industrial development. The topic of coastal protection and remediation work will also be addressed.

Problems such as pollution and general degradation of coastal areas have become a major international concern and the related environmental problems need further study to design remedial action. Moreover, the design and construction of developments necessary for navigation such as harbours and marinas requires an accurate knowledge of the sea climate, especially in cases of extreme conditions.

Computer models are an efficient tool for analysing a variety of coastal system problems in conjunction with experimental measurements.


Scientists and engineers involved in the study and use of computational methods for coastal engineering problems.


• Keep up-to-date on the latest advances in the field.
• Present your research within a unique forum.
• Collaborate with experts from around the world.
• Immediate publication of your research, if your paper is accepted. The conference book is distributed at the time of Registration.
• Your research work will be publicised internationally.


Cadiz was founded by the Phoenicians approximately 1,100 years BC, and holds the distinction of being the oldest city in Europe. Cadiz is surrounded by the sea on three sides and is only accessible by the "Puerta de Tierra," a strip of land that was constructed in 1755 by Torcuato Cayon. Due to the rich history of Cadiz, the monuments, buildings and museums are full of stories and depictions of the past. The old central quarters is famous for its picturesque charm, and many of the buildings reflect the city's overseas links.


The conference will be held at the University of Cadiz. The university traditionally belonged to the University of Western Andalusia, centralized around the Rectorado of Seville; it gained its independence in the early 1980s. The main branch of the three-campus university system is located in the center of the city, and due to its wonderful location the campus retains much of the charm of this fascinating city.


Special rates will be offered to delegates at various hotels near to the conference venue. Further details regarding booking will be made available in the Provisional Programme.


There will be mini-exhibition space available for organisations wishing to exhibit hardware, software, products, services and literature relating to the theme of the conference. Further details are available from the conference secretariat.


Papers are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted as soon as possible.

Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted, must be presented at the conference. Each submitted paper is subject to a separate registration. We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts electronically. The language of the conference will be English.


Shallow water studies
Pollutant transport and dispersion
Sewage, chemical and other pollution
Wave studies
Harbour and marinas
Sea defence and protection systems
Coastal erosion
Siltation and dredging
Tidal simulation
Tsunamis, storm surges and typhoons
Estuarine problems
Coastal lakes and lagoons
Oil slicks
Case Studies
Event record first posted on April 20, 2002, last modified on April 20, 2002

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